“Students don’t care how much you know until they know how much you C.A.R.E.”

-Cordarius Williams, President

Cordarius Williams, affectionately known as Coach Williams, is a husband, father, speaker, mentor, and math teacher. During his 10 years in the classroom, Cordarius realized that social-emotional learning and mental health are critical components of student achievement. His commitment to teenage transformation is so deep that he is currently pursuing a Master of Education degree to help students in schools around the world achieve their fullest potential by prioritizing mental health.

Cordarius' deep passion for transforming teenage lives led him to create Coach Williams University. Through this initiative, he travels to school districts around the world, speaking at school assemblies, and facilitating professional development sessions.

At the heart of his mission, Cordarius embraces the C.A.R.E philosophy, representing Consistency, Authenticity, Relatability, and Empowerment. His transformational speeches and professional development sessions inspire school cultures to embody these values, creating environments that are consistent, authentic, relatable, and empowering which maximizes student transformation. 

Cordarius is also a devoted family man, passionately sharing his life with his wife and children. His dedication as an educator is paralleled by his commitment at home, creating environments that are supportive and empowering.

“…Let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think.”-Romans 12:2

Who is Cordarius Williams?

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